IPA Day 2024 Info
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BJCP 2021 Judging Styles
If a style's name is hyperlinked, it has specific entry requirements. Select or tap on the name to view the subcategory's requirements.
1A American Light Lager | 1B American Lager | 1C Cream Ale |
1D American Wheat Beer | 2A International Pale Lager | 2B International Amber Lager |
2C International Dark Lager | 3A Czech Pale Lager | 3B Czech Premimum Pale Lager |
3C Czech Amber Lager | 3D Czech Dark Lager | 4A Munich Helles |
4B Festbier | 4C Helles Bock | 5A German Leichtbier |
5B Kölsch | 5C German Helles Exportbier | 5D German Pils |
6A Märzen | 6B Rauchbier | 6C Dunkels Bock |
7A Vienna Lager | 7B Altbier | 8A Munich Dunkel |
8B Schwarzbier | 9A Doppelbock | 9B Eisbock |
9C Baltic Porter | 10A Weissbier | 10B Dunkels Weissbier |
10C Weizenbock | 11A Ordinary Bitter | 11B Best Bitter |
11C Strong Bitter | 12A British Golden Ale | 12B Australian Sparkling Ale |
12C English IPA | 13A Dark Mild | 13B British Brown Ale |
13C English Porter | 14A Scottish Light | 14B Scottish Heavy |
14C Scottish Export | 15A Irish Red Ale | 15B Irish Stout |
15C Irish Extra Stout | 16A Sweet Stout | 16B Oatmeal Stout |
16C Tropical Stout | 16D Foreign Extra Stout | 17A British Strong Ale |
17A1 Burton Ale | 17B Old Ale | 17C Wee Heavy |
17D English Barley Wine | 18A Blonde Ale | 18B American Pale Ale |
19A American Amber Ale | 19B California Common | 19C American Brown Ale |
20A American Porter | 20B American Stout | 20C Imperial Stout |
21A American IPA | 21B Specialty IPA | 21B1 Belgian IPA |
21B2 Black IPA | 21B3 Brown IPA | 21B4 Red IPA |
21B5 Rye IPA | 21B6 White IPA | 21B7 Brut IPA |
21C Hazy IPA | 22A Double IPA | 22B American Strong Ale |
22C American Barleywine | 22D Wheatwine | 23A Berliner Weisse |
23B Flanders Red Ale | 23C Oud Bruin | 23D Lambic |
23E Gueuze | 23F Fruit Lambic | 23G Gose |
24A Witbier | 24B Belgian Pale Ale | 24C Bière de Garde |
25A Belgian Blond Ale | 25B Saison | 25C Belgian Golden Strong Ale |
26A Belgian Single | 26B Belgian Dubbel | 26C Belgian Tripel |
26D Belgian Dark Strong Ale | 27A Historical Beer | 27A1 Kellerbier |
27A2 Kentucky Common | 27A3 Lichtenhainer | 27A4 London Brown Ale |
27A5 Piwo Grodziskie | 27A6 Pre-Prohibition Lager | 27A7 Pre-Prohibition Porter |
27A8 Roggenbier | 27A9 Sahti | 28A Brett Beer |
28B Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer | 28C Wild Specialty Beer | 28D Straight Sour Beer |
29A Fruit Beer | 29B Fruit and Spice Beer | 29C Specialty Fruit Beer |
29D Grape Ale | 30A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer | 30B Autumn Seasonal Beer |
30C Winter Seasonal Beer | 30D Specialty Spice Beer | 31A Alternative Grain Beer |
31B Alternative Sugar Beer | 32A Classic Style Smoked Beer | 32B Specialty Smoked Beer |
33A Wood-Aged Beer | 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer | 34A Commercial Specialty Beer |
34B Mixed-Style Beer | 34C Experimental Beer | LSX1 Dorada Pampeana |
LSX2 IPA Argenta | LSX3 Italian Grape Ale | LSX4 Catharina Sour |
LSX5 New Zealand Pilsner |
Entry Acceptance Rules
Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 3
Requisitos y Envío de botellas
Drop-Off Location
Entry bottles accepted at our drop-off locations from Thursday 1 January, 1970 01:00, CET through Thursday 1 January, 1970 01:00, CET.
Please pay attention to the notes provided for each drop-off location. There could be earlier deadlines for some drop-off locations listed, particular hours when entries are accepted, certain individuals to leave your entries with, etc. All entrants are responsible for reading the information provided by the organizers for each drop-off location.
Teatro Municipal De Peñaflor
41470 Peñaflor, Sevilla
Judging Sessions and Dates
Valladolid 1 (28-09-2024) SESIÓN DE CATA
Saturday 28 September, 2024 09:30, CEST through Saturday 28 September, 2024 22:00, CEST
Valladolid 2 (28-09-2024) SESIÓN DE CATA
Saturday 28 September, 2024 09:30, CEST through Saturday 28 September, 2024 22:00, CEST
Info for Doppelbock
A strong, rich, and very malty German lager that can have both pale and dark variants. The darker versions have more richly-developed, deeper malt flavors, while the paler versions have slightly more hops and dryness.
Entry Info: The entrant select specify whether the entry is a pale or a dark variant.
Info for Weizenbock
A strong and malty German wheat beer combining the best wheat and yeast flavors of a Weissbier with the rich maltiness, strength, and body of a Bock. The style range includes Bock and Doppelbock strength, with variations for pale and dark color.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify whether the entry is a pale or a dark variant.
Info for Specialty IPA
Recognizable as an IPA by balance
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify a strength (session, standard, double); if no strength is specified, standard will be assumed. Entrant MUST specify specific type of Specialty IPA from the list of Currently Defined Types identified in the Style Guidelines, or as amended by Provisional Styles on the BJCP website; OR the entrant MUST describe the type of Specialty IPA and its key characteristics in comment form so judges will know what to expect. Entrants MAY specify specific hop varieties used, if entrants feel that judges may not recognize the varietal characteristics of newer hops. Entrants MAY specify a combination of defined IPA types (e.g., Black Rye IPA) without providing additional descriptions.
Info for Belgian IPA
A dry, hoppy IPA with fruitiness and spiciness of Belgian yeast. Often lighter in color and more attenuated, similar to a Belgian Tripel that has been brewed with more hops.
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify a strength (session, standard, double); if no strength is specified, standard will be assumed.
Info for Black IPA
A beer with the dryness, hop-forward balance, and flavor characteristics of an American IPA, but darker in color. Darker malts add a gentle and supportive flavor, not a strongly roasted or burnt character.
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify a strength (session, standard, double); if no strength is specified, standard will be assumed.
Info for Brown IPA
Hoppy, bitter, and moderately strong like an American IPA, but with dark caramel, chocolate, toffee, or dark fruit character as in an American Brown Ale. Retaining the dryish finish and lean body that makes IPAs so drinkable, a Brown IPA is a little more flavorful and malty than an American IPA without being sweet or heavy.
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify a strength (session, standard, double); if no strength is specified, standard will be assumed.
Info for Red IPA
Hoppy, bitter, and moderately strong like an American IPA, but with some caramel, toffee, or fruit character as in an American Amber Ale. Retaining the dryish finish and lean body that makes IPAs so drinkable, a Red IPA is a little more flavorful and malty than an American IPA without being sweet or heavy.
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify a strength (session, standard, double); if no strength is specified, standard will be assumed.
Info for Rye IPA
An American IPA with spicy, grainy rye malt. The rye gives a bready and peppery flavor, a creamier body, and a dry, grainy finish.
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify a strength (session, standard, double); if no strength is specified, standard will be assumed.
Info for White IPA
A fruity, spicy, refreshing version of an American IPA, but with a lighter color, less body, and featuring the distinctive yeast or spice additions typical of a Witbier.
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify a strength (session, standard, double); if no strength is specified, standard will be assumed.
Info for Brut IPA
A very pale, hop-forward American IPA variant with a bone-dry finish, very high carbonation, and a restrained bitterness level. Can be suggestive of a sparkling white wine or Champagne. The hop character is modern, and emphasizes flavor and aroma dimensions.
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify a strength (session, standard, double); if no strength is specified, standard will be assumed.
Info for Fruit Lambic
A complex, refreshing, pleasantly sour Belgian wheat beer blending a complementary fermented fruit character with a sour, funky Gueuze.
Entry Info: The type of fruit used MUST be specified. The brewer must declare a carbonation level (low, medium, high) and a sweetness level (low/none, medium, high).
Info for Bière de Garde
A family of smooth, fairly strong, malty, lagered artisanal French beer with a range of malt flavors appropriate for the blond, amber, or brown color. All are malty yet dry, with clean flavors. Darker versions have more malt character, while paler versions can have more hops while still remaining malt-focused beers.
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify blond, amber, or brown Bière de Garde.
Info for Saison
A family of refreshing, highly attenuated, hoppy, and fairly bitter Belgian ales with a very dry finish and high carbonation. Characterized by a fruity, spicy, sometimes phenolic fermentation profile, and the use of cereal grains and sometimes spices for complexity. Several variations in strength and color exist.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the strength (table, standard, super) and the color (pale, dark). The entrant MAY identify character grains used.
Info for Historical Beer
The Historical Beer category contains styles that either have all but died out in modern times, or that were much more popular in past times and are now known only through recreations. This category can also be used for traditional or indigenous beers of cultural importance within certain countries. Placing a beer in the historical category does not imply that it is not currently being produced, just that it is a very minor style or perhaps is in the process of rediscovery by craft brewers.
Entry Info: Catch-all category for other historical beers that have NOT been defined by the BJCP. The entrant MUST provide a description for the judges of the historical style that is NOT one of the currently defined historical style examples provided by the BJCP. Currently defined examples: Kellerbier, Kentucky Common, Lichtenhainer, London Brown Ale, Piwo Grodziskie, Pre-Prohibition Lager, Pre-Prohibition Porter, Roggenbier, Sahti. If a beer is entered with just a style name and no description, it is very unlikely that judges will understand how to judge it.
Info for Kellerbier
An unfiltered, unpasteurized, fully-attenuated German lager traditionally served from lagering vessels. May be a little richer, more robust, and rustic than the base styles. A fresh beer without fermentation defects associated with young, green (unfinished) beer.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the base style: German Pils, Munich Helles, Märzen, or Munich Dunkel.
Info for Brett Beer
Most often drier and fruitier than the base style suggests. Fruity or funky notes range from low to high, depending on the age of the beer and strains of Brett used. May possess a light non-lactic acidity. Intended for beer with or without oak aging that has been fermented with Sacch and Brett, or with Brett only.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify either a Base Style, or provide a description of the ingredients, specs, or desired character. The entrant MAY specify the strains of Brett used.
Info for Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer
A sour and funky version of a base style of beer. Intended for beer fermented with any combination of Sacch, Lacto, Pedio, and Brett (or additional yeast or bacteria), with or without oak aging (except if the beer fits instead in 28A or 28D).
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying yeast or bacteria used and either a Base Style, or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer.
Info for Wild Specialty Beer
An American Wild Ale with fruit, herbs, spices, or other Specialty-Type Ingredients. Intended for variations of a Base Style beer from style 28A, 28B, or 28D. These variations may include the addition of one or more Specialty-Type Ingredients; aging in non-traditional wood varieties that impart a significant and identifiable wood character (e.g., Spanish Cedar, Amburana); or aging in barrels previously containing another alcohol (e.g., spirits, wine, cider).
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify any Specialty-Type Ingredient (e.g., fruit, spice, herb, or wood) used. Entrant MUST specify either a description of the beer, identifying yeast or bacteria used and either a Base Style, or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Fruit Beer
A pleasant integration of fruit with beer, but still recognizable as beer. The fruit character should be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type(s) of fruit used. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items. Fruit Beers based on a Classic Style should be entered in this style, except Lambic
Info for Fruit and Spice Beer
A tasteful union of fruit, spice, and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The fruit and spice character should each be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. Use the definitions of Fruit in the preamble to Category 29 and Spice in the preamble to Category 30; any combination of ingredients valid in Styles 29A and 30A are allowable in this category. For this style, the word
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of fruit, and the type of SHV used; individual SHV ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., apple pie spice). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Specialty Fruit Beer
A appealing combination of fruit, sugar, and beer, but still recognizable as a beer. The fruit and sugar character should both be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. A Specialty Fruit Beer is a Fruit Beer with some additional ingredients, such as fermentable sugars (e.g., honey, brown sugar, invert sugar), sweeteners (e.g., lactose), adjuncts, alternative grains, or other special ingredients added, or some additional process applied. A Specialty Fruit Beer can use any style within the Fruit Beer category as a base style (currently, 29A, 29B, or 29D).
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of fruit used. The entrant MUST specify the type of additional ingredient (per the introduction) or special process employed. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Grape Ale
Combines the profile of a sparkling wine and a relatively neutral base beer allowing the aromatic qualities of the grape to blend pleasantly with hop and yeast aromatics. Can be in a range from refreshing to complex.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of grape used. The entrant MAY provide additional information about the base style or characteristic ingredients.
Info for Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer
An appealing fusion of spices, herbs, or vegetables (SHVs) and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The SHV character should be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. Often called Spice Beer, regardless of whether spices, herbs, or vegetables are used.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of spices, herbs, or vegetables used, but individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known spice blend is used (e.g., apple pie spice, curry powder, chili powder). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Autumn Seasonal Beer
A malty, spiced beer that often has a moderately rich body and slightly warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cool fall season, and often evocative of harvest or Thanksgiving traditions. Autumn Seasonal Beers are beers that suggest cool weather and the autumn harvest season, and may include pumpkins, gourds, or other squashes, and associated spices.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of spices, herbs, or vegetables used; individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., pumpkin pie spice). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Winter Seasonal Beer
A stronger, darker, spiced beer that often has a rich body and warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cold winter season. Winter Seasonal Beers are beers that suggest cold weather and the Christmas holiday season, and may include holiday spices, specialty sugars, and other products that are reminiscent of the festive season.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of spices, sugars, fruits, or additional fermentables used; individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known blend of spices is used (e.g., mulling spice). Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Specialty Spice Beer
An appealing combination of spices, herbs, or vegetables (SHVs), sugars, and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The SHV and sugar character should both be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. A Specialty Spice Beer is a 30A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable (SHV) Beer with some additional ingredients, such as fermentable sugars (e.g., honey, brown sugar, invert sugar, maple syrup), sweeteners (e.g., lactose), adjuncts, alternative grains, or other special ingredients added, or some additional process applied. 30B Autumn and 30C Winter Seasonal Beers already allow additional ingredients, and should not be used as a base in this style.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of SHVs used, but individual ingredients do not need to be specified if a well-known spice blend is used (e.g., apple pie spice, curry powder, chili powder). The entrant MUST specify the type of additional ingredient (per the introduction) or special process employed. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Alternative Grain Beer
A base beer enhanced by or featuring the character of additional grains. The specific character depends greatly on the added grains. An Alternative Grain Beer is a standard beer (Classic Style or not) with additional or non-standard brewing grains (e.g., rye, oats, buckwheat, spelt, millet, sorghum, rice) added or used exclusively. Gluten-free (GF) beers made from completely gluten-free ingredients may be entered here, while GF beers using process-based gluten removal should be entered in their respective base style categories.
Entry Info: he entrant MUST specify the type of alternative grain used. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Alternative Sugar Beer
A tasteful integration of sugar and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The sugar character should both be evident and in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product. An Alternative Sugar Beer is a standard beer (Classic Style or not) with added sweeteners, including fermentable sugars (e.g., honey, brown sugar, invert sugar, molasses, treacle, maple syrup, sorghum), unfermentable sugars (e.g., lactose), sugar alcohols (e.g., sorbitol), and any other sweetener (natural or artificial) that affects the flavor profile. The beers may or may not have any residual sweetness; it depends on the type of sugar, but flavor contributions are expected.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of sugar used. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Classic Style Smoked Beer
A well-balanced fusion of the malt and hops of the base beer style with a pleasant and agreeable smoke character. Intended for smoked versions of Classic Style beers, except if the Classic Style beer has smoke as an inherent part of its definition (of course, that beer should be entered in its base style, such as Rauchbier).
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify a Base Style. The entrant MUST specify the type of wood or smoke if a varietal smoke character is noticeable.
Info for Specialty Smoked Beer
A well-balanced fusion of the malt and hops of the base specialty beer style with a pleasant and agreeable smoke character. A Specialty Smoked Beer is either a smoked beer based on something other than a Classic Style (a Specialty-Type style, or a broad style family such as Porter rather than a specific style), OR any type of smoked beer with additional specialty ingredients (fruits, vegetables, spices) or processes employed that transform the beer into something more unique.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of wood or smoke if a varietal smoke character is noticeable. The entrant MUST specify the additional ingredients or processes that make this a specialty smoked beer. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a base style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Wood-Aged Beer
A pleasant enhancement of the base beer style with the characteristics from aging in contact with wood. The best examples will be smooth, flavorful, well-balanced, and well-aged. This style is intended for beer aged in wood without added alcohol character from previous use of the barrel. Bourbon-barrel or other beers with an added alcohol character should be entered as 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer. This category should not be used for base styles where wood-aging is a fundamental requirement for the style (e.g., Flanders Red, Lambic). Beers made using either limited wood aging or products that only provide a subtle background character may be entered in the base beer style categories as long as the wood character isn
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of wood used and the toast or char level (if used). If an unusual varietal wood is used, the entrant MUST supply a brief description of the sensory aspects the wood adds to beer. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Specialty Wood-Aged Beer
An elevation of the base beer style with characteristics from aging in contact with wood, including alcoholic products previously in contact with the wood. The best examples will be smooth, flavorful, well-balanced, and well-aged. This style is intended for beer aged in wood with added alcohol character from previous use of the barrel. Bourbon-barrel or other similar beers should be entered here.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the additional alcohol character, with information about the barrel if relevant to the finished flavor profile. If an unusual wood or ingredient has been used, the entrant MUST supply a brief description of the sensory aspects the ingredients add to the beer. Entrant MUST specify a description of the beer, identifying either a Base Style or the ingredients, specs, or target character of the beer. A general description of the special nature of the beer can cover all the required items.
Info for Commercial Specialty Beer
This style is intended for reproductions or interpretations of specific commercial beers that don’t fit within defined styles. Beers entered here do not need to be exact copies. The beer should be judged as to how well it fits the broader style represented by the example beer, not how well it is an exact copy of a specific commercial product. If a Commercial Specialty Beer fits another defined style, do not enter it here.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the name of the commercial beer, specifications (vital statistics) for the beer, and either a brief sensory description or a list of ingredients used in making the beer. Without this information, judges who are unfamiliar with the beer will have no basis for comparison.
Info for Mixed-Style Beer
Based on the declared Base Styles, methods, and ingredients. As with all Specialty-Type Beers, the resulting combination of beer styles needs to be harmonious and balanced, and be pleasant to drink. This style is intended for beers in Existing Styles (previously-defined Classic Style beers or Specialty-Type Beers) that are either: 1) A combination of Existing Styles that are not defined previously in the guidelines, including combination of Specialty-Type Beers not otherwise allowable elsewhere; 2) A variation of an Existing Style using a non-traditional method or process (e.g., dry-hopping, ‘eis’-ing, stein bier) for that style. A variation of an Existing Style using a non-traditional method or process (e.g., dry-hopping, ‘eis’-ing, stein bier) for that style; 3) A variation of an Existing Style using a non-traditional ingredient (e.g., yeast with a non-traditional profile, hops with a different character than described in the Base Style); 4) Out-of-spec variations of an Existing Style (e.g., ‘imperial’ versions, ‘session’ versions, overly-sweet versions, etc.). This style is intended for beers that can’t be entered in previously-listed styles first, including (and especially) the declared Base Style of beer. However, if the unusual method, process, or ingredient results in a beer that now fits within another defined style, the beer should be entered there. Note that some styles already allow for different strengths (e.g., IPAs, Saisons), so those variations should be entered as the appropriate Base Style.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the Base Style or Styles being used, and any special ingredients, processes, or variations involved. The entrant MAY provide an additional description of the sensory profile of the beer or the vital statistics of the resulting beer.
Info for Experimental Beer
This is explicitly a catch-all category for any beer that does not fit into an Existing Style description. No beer is ever “out of style” in this style, unless it can be entered in another beer style first. This is the last resort for any beer entered into a competition. With the broad definition for previous styles, this style should be rarely used.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the special nature of the experimental beer, including the special ingredients or processes that make it not fit elsewhere in the guidelines. The entrant MUST provide vital statistics for the beer, and either a brief sensory description or a list of ingredients used in making the beer. Without this information, judges will have no basis for evaluation.
Info for Italian Grape Ale
A sometimes refreshing, sometimes more complex Italian ale characterized by different varieties of grapes. For uses outside Italy, see 29D Grape Ale.
Entry Info: The entrant MUST specify the type of grape used. The entrant MAY provide additional information about the base style or characteristic ingredients.
Info for Catharina Sour
A refreshing fruited sour wheat beer with a vibrant fruit character and a clean lactic acidity. The restrained alcohol, light body, elevated carbonation, and lack of perceived bitterness allows the fresh fruit to be highlighted. The fruit is often, but not always, tropical in nature.
Entry Info: Entrant MUST specify the types of fresh fruit(s) used.
Judging Sessions and Dates
Valladolid 1 (28-09-2024) SESIÓN DE CATA
28/09/2024 09:30, CEST through 28/09/2024 22:00, CEST.
Valladolid 2 (28-09-2024) SESIÓN DE CATA
28/09/2024 09:30, CEST through 28/09/2024 22:00, CEST.
Account Registration Closed
Account registrations accepted 01/07/2022 13:00, CEST through 28/09/2024 09:30, CEST.
Entry Registration Closed
Entry Drop-Off Closed
Please pay attention to the notes provided for each drop-off location. There could be earlier deadlines for some drop-off locations listed, particular hours when entries are accepted, certain individuals to leave your entries with, etc. All entrants are responsible for reading the information provided by the organizers for each drop-off location.